Your information is safe with us. Our web site is securely hosted on our own business web servers and all sensitive data transmission is protected by state of the art SSL technology. We'll absolutely never sell your information to any party for any reason.
Referring Addresses: For each visitor to our web page, our web server automatically recognizes the consumer's domain name or ip address, but not the email address. We also collect the referring domain name (where possible) of visitors to our web site. The information we collect is used to improve our web site's content and ease of navigation.
Email Addresses: We do not share, sell, or trade email addresses. We ask for your email address in the course of doing business with us in order to send you a confirmation notice, other order status updates, or to resolve a question about your transaction.
Cookies: When you shop our commerce section we use cookies to keep track of your selections and various other settings. These cookies are like taking a number for service when walking in the door. Your selections and settings are stored on our server. This is similar to asking a sales clerk to hold onto your merchandise while you continue shopping. When you are ready to check out or as you browse, your cookie identifies which selections of merchandise or settings belong to you. This cookie contains no personal information about you and no one but us or our technology partners can retrieve the cookie.
Postal Addresses: We do not share, sell, or trade postal addresses. Persons who supply us with postal addresses or billing addresses on-line, may receive correspondence regarding their purchases . However, they will not receive mailings for any other reason, unless they specifically indicate or approve of their addresses being used for our future marketing.
Telephone Numbers: We do not share, sell or trade telephone numbers. Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line may receive telephone contact from us with information regarding orders they have placed on-line, but not for any other reason.
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